Trayvon Martin and “The Talk” in Black and White

April 10, 2012

I made the decision to repeat this post here, as well as on the main Underdue Social Services Blog. It seems like that important a topic. but in addition to the content from the first post, I have included some resources at the end that parents can use to have these very important conversations with […]

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Talk Now

March 27, 2012

I suspect every parent has planned to have a “talk” with their teenager. You imagine how the two of you will sit down and have a long conversation about some very important topic. This usually comes up when either your teenager has done something really bad or you are afraid they might. Or the news […]

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Text Dating

February 27, 2012

I suspect most parents are pretty clear about their rules when it comes to dating behavior and their teenagers and pre-teens. What age can you “go out” on a date? Do you need to “meet” the boy or girl before the date? What is curfew? Text Dating? We know that technology has changed everything, but […]

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Do Over

January 10, 2012

All of us have wished at some point in our lives to get a “do-over.” In fact, we spend quite a bit of time thinking about the things we wish we could do over. I guess it’s just part of our struggle to stay in the present. The new year is one time when do-overs […]

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Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner

November 18, 2011

Here are Underdue Social Services, lots of emails come around during the holidays with great information. Here is one to share with all of you. It’s a bit of really good advice for Thanksgiving Dinner. Apr 26, 2011 | By B. Lynn Ms. Lynn is an educator and freelance writer living in Pennsylvania. She has […]

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Talk Topic Five: Talk about Life

November 1, 2011

I am not talking about the educational or the political topics here. I am referring to the simple, personal ones. Parents are often very focused on the particular decisions or behaviors of their teenager. They spend their time thinking or talking about the specifics. When did you come home last night? Where are you going […]

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Talk Topic Four: Talk about History

October 25, 2011

When I was a teen, I went through my parent’s photo albums and they told stories about our family. Those experiences made me a big fan of family histories in all of their forms. Digital photography has totally changed the way we capture memories (a topic in a whole different E-book). So how can you […]

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Talk Topic Three: Talk About Justice

October 18, 2011

Children and teenagers get their beliefs about justice from their family. Prejudice, cruelty, intolerance and bigotry are all learned. None of us come out of the womb thinking negatively about a particular group of people. You teach your children and your teen about justice every time you watch the news. We teach teens to have […]

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Talk Topic Two: Talk about Feelings

October 12, 2011

The question most teens dread the most is “How do you feel about that?” All of you can see the eye-roll already just hearing the question. The trick to talking about feelings with your teen is to admit to your own. Parents work really hard to try and get teens to talk about their feelings. […]

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Talk Topic One: Talk about you

October 10, 2011

Parents talk to teens about what the teen is doing, what they should or shouldn’t do, or what they want them to do. You don’t talk very often about yourselves. I am not referring to the “I walked a mile just to go to school” talk. I mean what you are doing – right now. […]

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