Community Support Individual (CSI)
The goal of CSI is to provide the individual with the skills and resources to maintain stability and independence in their daily community living. The community Support staff will serve as the primary coordinator of behavioral health services and will provide linkage to community; general entitlements; and psychiatric, addiction, medical services, crises prevention and intervention services.
Crisis intervention (CI)
CI services are directed toward the support of an individual who is experiencing an abrupt and substantial change in behavior which is usually associated with a precipitating situation and which is in the direction of severe impairment of functioning or a marked increase in personal distress. Services are available 24-hours per day, 7 days per week, and may be offered by telephone and/or face-to-face in any setting (e.g. home, school, jail, hospital, clinic etc).
Group Training/Counseling
These services utilize a therapeutic intervention or counseling service shown to be successful with identified populations, diagnoses and service needs, provided in a group format by a qualified professional. We offer Groups in: Anger Management; Substance Abuse; Social Skills; Depression Education & Self Esteem Training.
Individual Counseling (IC)
Individual Counseling services utilize a therapeutic intervention or counseling services shown to be successful with identified populations, diagnoses and service needs, provided by a qualified professional. Techniques employed involve the principles, methods and procedures of counseling that assist the person in identifying and resolving personal, social, vocational, intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns. Services may include: illness and medication, self management knowledge and skills (e.g. symptoms management, behavioral management, relapse prevention skills, knowledge of medications and side effects, and motivational/skill development in taking medication as prescribed); problem solving and cognitive skills; healthy coping mechanisms; adaptive behaviors and skills; interpersonal skills; and knowledge regarding mental illness, substance related disorders and other relevant topics that assist in meeting the individual’s or the support system’s needs.
Family Training/Counseling
These services utilize a therapeutic intervention or counseling service shown to be successful with identified family populations, diagnoses and service needs. Family training/counseling provides systematic interactions between the identified individual consumer, staff, and the individual’s family members directed toward the restoration, development, enhancement or maintenance of functioning of the identified consumer/family unit. This may include support of the family, as well as training and specific therapeutic intervention/activities to enhance family roles, relations, communication and functioning that promote the recovery and resiliency of the individual/family unit.
Additional Services:
• Diagnostic Assessment
• Nursing Assessment & Health Care
• Physician Assessment & Care
• Wraparound Services (funded by Juvenile Justice)